Good luck and God speed. I sold out about 2 months ago on cryptsy. I've learned my lesson, never believe in a coin with anon devs. Sell while you still can.
Thanks for the update, definitely a competent team here. Coin well released and things moving forward at a good pace. Perfectly reflected in the current price level.
Which is entirely true for a finished version but the two are not directly comparable on the whole. Most people using QT are likely using it for the more expensively-enabled auto-trade functions, which are not present in KeyTrader at all and for all I know may never be. Different tools for different functions. KT is by far the better trading tool IMHO but for those desperate souls seeking a budget bot it's QT all the way. If they keep working at it they may even get it working like a commercial bot but it is a case of different tools for different tasks man. KeyTrader is shaping up as a decent tool for the serious trader. If auto-trade functions are added in the future then and only then will KeyTrader actually be competing with Quatloo Trader on the same turf. Meanwhile it is a case of apples and oranges.