LUKSO (LYXe), has developed an ecosystem using blockchain and algorithmic technology, for the digital world such as cultural currencies, designs, games, digital certificates and creative goods, thus providing a secure, stable, well-functioning platform, which gives access to tools for developers, allowing them to join the community, to participate in it and get benefits. LUKSO (LYXe), is a token developed as a collectible token, its utility is for the ICO and should migrate to LXY, when the development of the project is completed, so there are no drawbacks because it is the same digital asset, this LUKSO (LYXe) token, allows trading tasks from popular exchange platforms, it is a token for trading within the ecosystem, it has algorithmic technologies, which allows it to be placed in Staking to receive passive income, likewise it is supported by various Dapps wallets, ensuring its easy storage, good management and fast and secure transactions. LUKSO (LYXe) is a scalable token, high security, can be obtained from faucet and opens the door for developers to join the digital economy.