The maker makes its stabilize cryptocurrency named as dai, Maker doesn't haveβ¦
The maker makes its stabilize cryptocurrency named as dai, Maker doesn't have enough use case, the team is not good, maker also not have enough trading volume
Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Recently maker's stable coin dai listed on biggest exchange New York coinbase also dai is listed in all big exchanges expect binance hope they will list on binance
Maker is a helpful cryptocurrency for loans and many useful things; the maker has its stable cryptocurrency which is named as DAI, Dai price is 1dai = 1$, Dai is most useful for payments, savings, Maker have the best roadmap,
Maker team is not active always; the maker is not much-developed cryptocurrency, Maker doesn't have excellent trading volume, the maker is not listed on big exchanges such as binance, bittrex, Maker is only lested on worst exchnages