MediBlock is a crypto money project built with blockchain technology, focusing on the healthcare industry.
Some of the features of the MediBlock project are;
1) To create a treatment process with online health services in places where access to health services is restricted.
2) By storing users' data, to know who has which health problem and to provide faster intervention.
3) Provides some discounts to patients. Patients can claim insurance compensation.
MediBlock pays special attention to protecting the privacy of health data. Data is protected by special encryptions in large repositories. With this project, it is aimed to create a common health data store on a global scale. In this way, all data and treatment processes of a patient are made faster and more efficient. There are many types of funders. However, I do not believe that such projects will develop. Because no government of any country will want its data to be controlled in a common environment.
MediBlock project takes an innovative approach to the healthcare industry. It is a patient-centered project.