Metaverse, the project was launched in 2016 and began work on its own in 2017. This project serves as an open source to the public by providing digital assets, various personalities and a few words on the network of smart contracts. The goal of the project is to build a smart system and create a decentralized exchange for smart and reliable infrastructure.
In this project, ETP is used to evaluate highly intelligent contracts on the Metaverse blockchain network and can be used without any hassle for online transactions or GAS payments. ETP was first created by extracting PoW and then introduced a unique hybrid model that includes Proof-of-Stake expansion. ETP can be easily found in a few individuals.
Numerous great portable cryptocurrency wallets that support ETP can be widely used for desktop, web and mobile devices. The project has a turnover of approximately 78,715,986 ETP and a maximum turnover of about 100,000,000 ETP.