ModiHost (AIM): is a project that intelligently manages commercial assets as it allows the use of applications, for the control of assets within the market, mainly focused on providing solutions to users and working on presenting one of the most stable protocols that can be encortar within the market incorporating the use of its technologies in negotiations and maximum use of the greater use of the procedures in the hotel part, is a currency that had a somewhat dubious beginning as it tried to manage and minimize the cost of operations, resulting in a broad and significantly improved assistance, achieving the attention and direct linkage with users, presenting channels where users can communicate freely, and protected with a high security protocol that always ensure the encryption of information in real time, has a generally basic design to simplify operations, is an open source project that establishes and creates the automation of repeated process to run more optimally and expecting more processing in its network of services and if direct linkage with the market blockchain network, allows the use of an advanced payment gateway as it offers you a support for transactions and establishes a unique means to run, with the integration of its application many of its processes are truly unique and with considerable development.