MyWish (WISH): is a platform that uses the intelligent contracts to clearly describe your market operations, giving as answer a good fluency of purchase and a pleasant integration for the users, its services are diverse you can choose the one that more resembles you with the opportunity to grow and to link your assets to the stock market, inside it exists a whole selection that you can use as contracts of Airdrop you can obtain token and distribute them in thousands of users, pool of investment is previous or saved funds that generate discount in the long term, marriage contracts is a contract designed for users who intend to get married and generate a policy of boyfriends where you have a money saved, lost key contracts is an exclusive service that serves to transfer your funds if you lose the key, will contracts are basic and covers what regularly charges a natural, there is the possibility of drafting contracts according to your needs because the platform is very open and can request any coverage and make it bequeath and that the same system protects you.