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Review on Nexo by Mr Benji

Revainrating 4 out of 5

BIg names big companies stupid mistakes

1. Idea - This is a platform, used to grant instant loans secured by crypto-currency deposits of the borrower, thanks to this we do not have to sell crypto-currencies owned when we need capital.
2. Created by - The Nexo platform was created in February 2018 as a separate project of the European corporation Credissimo - dealing with new technologies in the field of finance, and specifically the implementation of loans. The company has been operating since 2007, has been controlled by one of the four largest global financial audit companies - Deloitte, as well as systematic supervisions carried out by European banks and financial regulators. Over 10 years of experience in the FinTech industry and about 130 employees. Has over 1000000 complex loan applications, 80,000 approved loans in 2017 alone. Prestigious awards and distinctions in 2017, eg 2 awards in the Forbes Business Awards competition - for "Innovations in the Financial Sector" and for "Quality of Services". All this has created the basis for entering a new market of developing blockchain technologies.
3. Why it is special? - First of all, it should be noted that the Nexo project stands out from other projects dealing with loans (eg ETHLend or Salt) in that it is focused on the regulated market from the outset. This is evidenced by the fact that since the start they have been acting in accordance with the American Securities Commission, abbreviated SEC, which means that their tokens are treated as so-called. Security Tokens, and all indications are that the cryptocurrency market in the future will mostly follow the path of a fully regulated financial market.
4. Not perfect - It was a perfect run for Nexo, but recently they were hit by a fud. One of the telegram admins recorded having s*x with his girfriend and forced her to scream "NEXO" while having money on the bed.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Despite the little fud about the team member enjoying investors money too much, the nexo is moving forward presenting
new partnerships and updates.
- The Nexo Mobile App featured on Product Hunt
- Nexo removes all withdrawal fees and finances the blockchain fees
- written the bible on how instant crypto lending should work
- Support telegram gram token
- launched an Over-the-Counter (OTC) Trading


  • Good idea
  • Nexo token utility
  • Big companies and names behind it
  • loans system
  • Recent incident with one of nexo telegram admin.

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