After the remarkable increase in cryptocurrency growth in the world, quite different names started to be traded. Nucleus Vision is one of them. The coin, which was established within the university and whose system was created here, completed its full development in 2016. Since this coin is designed to be different from the known crypto logic, it can be preferred in many different areas. Accordingly, the system is built on a foundation known as the disconnected connection. It is defined as Ncash and only allows transactions with the said currency.
Within Ncash, when a store is entered, the real identity of the customers is determined over the mobile phone. Later, a ncash offer emerges. After the customer accepts this, the wallet is loaded. After the current upload, personal data are shared if the customer is accepted. In particular, information such as how long the person does shopping, in what time periods he comes to the store, how his shopping preferences are, are transferred to the companies thanks to the coin. Of course, at this stage, there is a constant need for permission.