Nyerium (NYEX): is a project that allows an electronic commerce advancing and plays an important role in the personal economy of the business process, executing an evolution and increase a personal finance interest, opening better market possibilities, is a project that has the function of improving the transactions and allow to operate at very low rates in the commissions improving the development and its commercial objective to increase the digital point of interest, is a medium ecosystem that works in improving the conditions and its process in the market, a point to highlight is its tools which allows to work in a faster way in the commercial actions and to grant a better use in its platform, is a project that is directed from different points of interest and allows to improve certain conditions for some types of people, maintaining a better use and financial scheme, its currency is used as a means of payment and seeks to work to improve the process in the commercial network and allow a more solid bridge in the information, has a service that is able to be oriented to the main needs and has a process of shipments and remittances to destinations nearby countries, its development as a project has been somewhat slow, due to its economic system, and its exchange platforms, seeking optimization and achieve a better process in the market.