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Revainrating 1 out of 5

Stay away from social media accounts. There is a possibility of getting scammed

There are many popular projects in the crypto market, and most of them developers use their knowledge for the projects they create. However, the ONE DEX project looks like a project with a really bad and novice team. Because when I entered the website, there were childish designs. In addition, I did not understand most of the articles on the website. Because there are mistakes in the articles. Probably the developers didn't seem to mind that. In addition, there is currently no innovation on the website and social media accounts, so no updates have been made for a long time. This situation raises my doubts that the project was abandoned.
Anyway, let's get back to our topic. The goal of the project was to make a token that supports many networks more common. However, it failed. Currently, this token has no value even though it has a daily trading volume. Because when using the token in the project, 80% of the identifier was burned. This doesn't look nice.
In addition, the number of followers on social media accounts is very low. Moreover, some users claim that some of these accounts and their users in social media groups are fraudulent. However, I'm not sure about that. Because it's just a claim. However, this does not mean that I trust the project.
To put it briefly, I think it would be useful to stay away from the project.

  • website is still being reached.
  • There are still online users in social media groups.
  • the project made promises but they did not come true.
  • I could not see the road map.
  • the team doesn't look professional.
  • In 2019, the token ran out.
  • a worthless cryptocurrency