P2P Global Network is a digital currency Platform that was brought into the world in 2018, and has become number one blockchain based Platform to utilize publicly supports to validate and grant subsidizing to tackle monetary issue brought about by joblessness
P2P Global Network is a USA found Platform and established by a group of association with the intend to give joblessness advantage administration for the individuals who become jobless during their enrollment with P2P, That is the reason their Motto is we're Here When You Need Us
The way toward turning into a part and advantage is Simple, Trusting and Secure. To profit by the P2P Platform one most be a part, and one become part when he/She get one of the minimal expense enrollment plan with P2P Token
The P2P forthcoming financial framework empower clients to have full control of their record. The financial offers digital currency credit, trade among cryptographic money and Fiat, withdrawal to neighborhood association like PayPal, pursue bank and other world Banks, it likewise permits clients to multi-send and get digital money through email, username, and moniker with an auto fill address know by loved ones all through the world