Any decentralized cryptocurrency shouldn't be location bound.More so,if Pakcoin were to function on a full-time operation scale it should make amendments to curb and reduce such attitude.Up till date Pakcoin affects the rate of services it offers to countries such as China, USA,Morroco,France,italy,Germany,Brazil,Avory coast and even the giant of Africa(Nigeria).However,it is readily available to attend issues coming from it own founders(Pakcoin)location.Finally,it can be justified as being a location-bound cryptocurrency.For a coin to acquire the recognition which it demands,it should be accessible at any point,even in remote places where poor sever issues are mostly or frequently encountered.Pakcoin should not only be unified-structure service renderers to only those that reside in it city but they should diversified ideas in other to ensure that anybody at any place carries out thesame benefits from the coin like it citizens does.
Passionate individuals who are willing to invest into Pakcoin are not properly treated as it is meant to be but rather a prefential care is awarded to Pakistan citizens.
A generally accepted transacted assest is the dollar which has gained recognition, however,for the pakcoin to gain such recognition as a cryptocurrency it should Nationalize it ecosystem to a big deal service renderers.A smart deal should appear clear between the company and the investors so that a trust can be built in other to avoid bringing a bad image to the company's name and performance and such aforementioned points is what every business understand for it enhancement.