Plair is the world's largest concentrated game organic framework that supports the lives of players. The main ICO in VeChain. The Plair scene, along with the VeChain fund, will be sent to the VeChainThor Blockchain. Plair Token (PLA) is a useful part of the Plair scene. The scene has a digital currency called PLA running on the VechainThor chain. The main advantage of the PLA is that it is refilled as a fuel within the Plair framework. Prizes are also used to bring cash from local players and personalities. Most of the computer games have been used by whites to promote it. The main advantage of filling a PLA as a fuel in a conventional organization is the use of an adaptation award that will be given to players on the ground. Plair allows players from around the world to reimburse their items while playing, watching and forming.