POLICE money is a cash that offers a set of merchandise available up to 5 exchange points, as well as cash that is likely to be taken care of in your wallet as it offers to build a conflicting practical wallet. In the workplace and mobile phones, such a wallet is aware of many features, an inventive interface, a lot of bosses ’cash, and a cash POLIS organization, and high-level money knows how to safely accumulate and thrive with POLIS.
This definition of POLIS allows for the awarding of awards to the surrounding areas that offer the voting form, as well as to the central points that allow the association to be guaranteed and stable, as well as to pay for mining. centers. POLIS is often a point of sale, and even from your POLISPAY wallet it can be replaced in safe and animated descriptions. POLICE continue to improve and upgrade new organizations, and are now aware of the excellent capitalization of the market despite the slow pace of acquisitions.