Quantis Network (QUAN), is a digital currency, which operates as an open source token and with anonymous transactions, this QUAN token, is available for purchase or exchange from a single exchange platform and where you can buy easily with the BTC currency, likewise (QUAN), operates from the same network, having its own block explorer, which allows you to locate and track old transactions, to check their confirmation status.
Also the Quantis Network currency (QUAN), has its own wallets, which work as wallet clients installable on desktop devices and web wallet, which operates from the pages of web browsers, likewise, is a currency of easy guard, since its applications have high security storage of the QUAN token and enable fast and secure transactions with this currency. Quantis Network (QUAN), also, is a token that works to perform mining tasks, as this currency works with X11 algorithm (custom blockchain) and with a support mining, masternodes and stakeout.