It is an ideal answer for trustless, secured, decentralized, and anonymous transactions. All things considered, it use a few technologies among otters to assemble a hearty and economical pool. Its watchwords are private, open convention, and interoperable transactions between blockchain.
Market outline.
Taking a gander at the present status of the market I don't figure it will arrive at an awesome position very soon. At the hour of composing, it has a market cap of $274,126,712 USD, Volume: $67,183,817 USD, circling: 884,532,525, and an total of 999,999,633 REN. what's more, the current price is $ $0.309911 USD which is half of the All Time High.
From the team reasonability, the executives, innovation, and associations, there means that it has a decent future however not all that snappy.