StakeCubeCoin (SCC): is a project that is in constant commercial growth, has sold developed each assigned commercial feature, and has a platforms that allows to go beyond, achieving various financial activities while maintaining an optimal functioning ecosystem guaranteeing its services and direct points in the free commercial exchange, its network of services gives the user the opportunity to ensure various means of electronic commerce, It is a project that had a rapid commercial growth with sufficient capitalization and managed to keep its commercial ideal afloat, its development has allowed it to be a project with multiple features and service platforms ensures that it is a key project in the financial movement, One of its main objectives as a project is the opportunity it gives users to decide what to do with their finances is decentralized, has a mining protocol that allows to obtain the currency under this means of extraction, and is useful for users who have the technologies to achieve it, is a project that allows users to directly use their wallet services, which is ideal for receiving payments in various convertible currencies and to store the native currency of the project, its speed in the creation of block allows the time in the market is very accurate, has a protection protocol that derives directly from its masternode services that run in the foreground and ensures all the moviente that may have a user.