This STORM token is that for third world countries it could be a way to make some extra money. They incentivize playing a game either for like a week or getting to a certain level and the games so far have been pretty fun although I am not a gamer and I delete the game right after I achieve the award. You can also do other paid tasks like say signing up for coinbase and making your first trade of ANYTHING over $2.00 (3 million bolts). If doing free games is going to equate to real dollars how can you hate on it? Yes it is certainly time consuming but there are lots of people out there who have a lot of downtime at work, or are out of work due to a disability or injury. This is a FREE way for you over time to accrue bitcoin and ethereum which at its current standing can only improve at this. You do have to be smart about the tasks you decide to take on though with the tasks that require money. You have to judge each of them on their own merits based on what it will cost you vs the reward just like in all things in life.