SuperEdge is a crypto project designed to protect users and trade with investors. The project was created a long time ago and it was abandoned. Right now the project has become popular and updated. The project team did an excellent job. At the moment, the project has basic systems, these systems help the project to reach the level. The main system is to protect the security of personal account and data, as well as the safety of users. The project also has great goals. The goal of the project is to reach a high level and develop the technology. In addition, the project has a great design and website, besides that, it has information and a transaction. The design systems are professional and work great. The project website is very nice and opens quickly. Information project for me is average, because there is very little information. The project transaction is normal for trading. In general, the project is good, but there are reasons, correct the information or update. Thank you for giving me a review. Good luck updating the information.