The plan was focused on sending digital currency, which removes security, adaptability, and fungibility through the MimbleWimble app to make it more conventional and valuable. However, according to official information, at the moment it, similarly, failed. In fact, I saw that the Tarush plan site was not working, and after 2019, almost no notices were published in the accounts of public networks. What impresses me, though, is that the Twitter account has a large number of subscribers, but it was not posted on public networks. The media have been around for a long time. I also tried to get information about a search engine-enabled plan. However, he does not understand enough. Apart from this, I could not find almost any information about the developers. The TAS token is unavailable in real time in any stock market that I use. Apart from that, it is not tracked on the coinmarketcap platform. For this reason, the token is useless and does not accept practically any transactions. For this, save the plan as lifeless and tell everyone that it is actually dead. In short, but the plan has a large number of goals and objectives, it seems, in fact, that it leaves the market in a short time, without receiving the necessary help from users.