What users and investors of cryptocurrencies need is something that can be programmed by both the internet and the banking options, but always offering them the chance of owning their part in the process. In the case of Terra, this can be easily done since these payments and exchange network is designed with good features to propose a cheaper way of trading.
It provides different channels of trading for lots of cryptocurrencies, but it also brings control to the fiat money backed in banks. Here, users can have control of their payments even if they are global. It does not matter the coin because the system works with Dollar, Euros, and Yuan. At least the most globally commercial coins are admitted.
The interesting fact of this blockchain is that it works with good partners. In the beginning, the process of the network is connected to the Luna coin. The protocols, on the other hand, work by order of the Anchor chain. By receiving this support, users can even gain some rewards since the admission of them was expressed in the whitepaper.
Terra is, besides, a project available in some of the most attractive, active, and substantial blockchains including the Ethereum network. This is a support of a mutual cause, and in the end, the project will have the necessary scalability.
Personally, the project has an ideal point to consider and invest in. I could say it is a great option to start with.