Terracoin (TRC): is a project that is developed with commercial interest and seeks to work directly with the market, allowing to generate greater profit and increased their interest in the financial processes allowing greater elasticity in the economic processes and creating channels more focused on their commercial performance, with the use of the blockchain services network, guarantees a performance and information processing in a very fast way allowing to guarantee a better flow of information and an ecosystem that is directed to the needs of the market, it is a fast project that has several commercial protocols that focuses on improving security and efficiency in the process, they have a digital channel that is developed to increase the interest on their project and studies the connection with new users, its platform of services allows to monetize the commercial processes to such an extent that the commercial interest grows and has tools that were developed to improve the processes and achieve a better commercial performance allowing to establish a process in the commercial operations and fed a more instantaneous market, it counts with the services of masternode that closely tart in improving and promoting the commerce between different points of commercial interest helps directly in improving its flow in the market and facilitates the economic processes in the different points of commercial interest achieving a greater welfare and improved considerably its use and presence in the market.