VegaWallet Token (VGW): is a project with several ecosystems at hand, it allows a market inclusion in a very complete way, developing technologies that allow it a market complement in a very unique way its integration allows a complete synchronization with the blockchain services network, and gargarizing that this is within the same system what many users expected and in this project can offer it, is a commercial alternative focused on offering blockchain solutions to its customers and ensure the direct involvement of a payment gateway, its platforms allows you to generate profits through this used has a protocol that achieves establish registration in a simple way its services fulfills the function of being international can have them where you are and when you need them, the connection with the protocols is direct does not require authentication or a third party in between, the level of security that is experienced in the platform is simple and safe, all information handled meets the standards of market confidentiality, its growth as a project is based on its services offered but with the direct capitalization that received its project achieved its commercial development, and therefore its place in the market, is a decentralized project with a clear commercial objective which is to provide its services and its currency is used as a stable means of payment.