Wirex Token (WXT): is a private use project that allows you to manage your trading assets in a less general and more specific way, it has high commissions per movement as it is a complete and ideal platform to manage large amounts of trading assets and a high level of e-commerce security, one of its main objectives is its ability to manage business in a very fast way, it has a whole platform developed for a high concurrency market with market tools that allows efficient management and gives control over the use of the currency within the entire ecosystem, It has a stable financial market process with an ideal market protocol to work in different services, and also adds traditional payment methods. It is a decentralized project, weighing for users who are very meticulous with their commercial assets, looking for the safest platform that offers the best commercial guarantee, its growth as a project allowed the platform to be monetized by a service that guarantees transactions at all times, its market price is strong, available in various commercial houses, a strong acceptance by the general public, allows the use of commercial clients to manage payment in a massive way, it is a project with great utility in the market.