Yuki was created as an innovative project to link the real world to finances. In the start, their token was released and called SNOW. The company follows a very literal concept of life. They think the project can be part of fantasy blockchain where everything has the correct functioning, and everyone is helped. However, this does not function at all.
At the start of 2020, the company released a new updated in their roadmap which means they now distributed the project for all over the world with selected countries, but the issue with this is that the company stop of being functional. When most of the users who already knew about it, looked up for the content established in their white paper, they certified the company does not clearly explain what is their real purpose. Moreover, the margin of sales is marked in 0. The company released the platform, but then it started to follow the same pattern of failures and lack of maintenance.
Practically, Yuki is a bad investment. I think in some months, the project would be considered highly fraudulent. There are not trusted releases from that country, at least for covering Blockchain sections.
This Blockchain does not provide a guide to its market cap. Most of the information contained in the official Blockchain analysts defined by short as an unknown network. On the other hand, the team behind Yuki Blockchain released the project with a high supply that has been also lost with time.