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Review on Zilliqa by Frandy Ebroy

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Zilliqa is the best public and permissionless blockchain and zilliqa is…

Zilliqa is the best public and permissionless blockchain and zilliqa is running on the latest blockchain technology of Version Blockchain 3.0 . But there is no publicity is do by their team so it is still unknown project for bit traders.


Updated 6 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Zilliqa project working on sharding technology very hardly and improving their current status. Zilliqa project launched their mainnet blockchain.


  • Zilliqa is the worlds first public, permission-less blockchain that has successfully implemented sharding to scale to thousands of transactions per second. The team behind Zilliqa are some of the brightest minds in the blockchain space. Currently, Zilliqa is running on blockchain3.0.
  • Zilliqa implements sharding, but the sharding is transaction sharding, not state sharding and turning to complete languages allow more complicated apps in comparison to Non-Turing Complete language.there are also many competetors of zilliqa in crypto market.

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