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10 Karma

Review on Zilliqa by Alex jamaw

Revainrating 4 out of 5

Zilliqa is the new generation blockchain technology with big supporters bestโ€ฆ

Zilliqa is the new generation blockchain technology with big supporters best team I like this project, zilliqa project is wonderful and whole community supports zilliqa coin


Updated 5 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Zilliqa is shifted on its main network blockchain and we can swap out eth tokens to mainnet tokens now. Zilliqa project well works on supply chain management.


  • Zilliqa is a decentralized cryptocurrency with impressive innovation, Zilliqa uses two layers of consensus mechanisms 1st is Shard layer, and 2nd is DS layer, shard layer means all blocks of information arenโ€™t processed at the shard level. And DS layer is A small group of randomly-selected nodes forms a group called a DS-committee.
  • Zilliqa team don't have much knowledge about blockchain ecosystem, but due to advisors, supporters, community, technology the project is great

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