ZBG Token (ZT), is designed as a native token to operate on the ZBG platform, being this an innovative decentralized trading platform that integrates in its ecosystem a wide range of digital assets and Fiat money. ZBG, is an innovative exchange, has a set of easily accessible tools for decentralized trading, store coins, integrates extensive security methods, has events for users to participate in its ecosystem, guarantees savings, make investments, mining from the cloud and even integrates into its ecosystem an online store that facilitates the purchase of products. ZBG Token (ZT), is developed as the native token for operations within the platform, this facilitates decentralized trading and can be traded from other exchange platforms, likewise, allows users to participate in the voting system, is a token to obtain benefits, allows access to the purchase of membership for the ecosystem, likewise guarantees the participation of users within the various events, allows to generate income in ZT token and even opt to receive bonuses. ZBG Token (ZT) is a token that allows to obtain discounts on transactions and operations within the ecosystem, represents the finances of the exchange, it is also a fast transaction token, it is secure and has good support from various wallets based on ERC-20 token.