Excellent. They are of high quality and high load. The wires are heavier, the pens are good quality, and the pens are each held in place with a latch that prevents the stylus from being pushed in or out, but allows you to lift the latch and remove the stylus and reinsert it , if you want to swap places. Polarity. I was fed up with cheap extra thin wire and plugged pins in cheaper kits and was glad to find them. I have used several kits. One note - the polarity (red vs. black) was reversed in 8 out of 10 (?!) Li-Polymer batteries I've had. I'm not sure why polarity is such an issue with plugs and batteries, but bear this in mind. That's why I mentioned that you can swap the pins and the connector stays fixed. You will need a very small jeweler's screwdriver and patience to pry the latch, then pull the pins out, reinsert them in the correct polarity order, and gently push in the plastic latch. It's tedious, but it works. And it's a good system that makes sure the pins don't get pushed in.