This ponytail bag is big enough to carry on the bike without looking too big. It came in a cardboard box to allow the bag to keep its shape. Stiffening ribs are sewn on the sides to maintain the correct shape. The hard cap looks great (artificial carbon fiber) and adds durability and water resistance. The stretch seams are located just below the lid, allowing the bag to stretch well while maintaining its shape without loosening the shoulder straps. I can flip this bag up high enough to fit my 3/4 helmet or stuff an armored jacket in. The zips for the top locking when closed and a small combination lock to allow the zips to be locked when closed. I know it's not foolproof, but it's a nice feature. Two zippered pockets are sewn into the inside of the lid, which are great for storing small items by keeping them off the bottom of the bag. The straps, buckles and zippers are of good quality and should hold up well. I've ridden 2,000 miles since installing this bag and it's holding up very well. I would recommend this product to others.
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