I want to share the subtleties I noticed. 1. Clicks - appear when the upper part is not neatly dressed, the wire bites a little, an extra gap appears due to which the legs click. 2. The color of the remaining water depends on what you have flying in the air, and not on the device. 3. How often to flush the tank and evaporator mainly depends on the hardness of the water you pour. From our St. Petersburg, I get out once every 2 months. Slippery coating appears. 4. Mustiness - warm water in it starts living creatures - either wash more often with the same citric acid or Vent's lotions or use essential oils, it is pleasantly useful and living creatures kill both in the air and in the tank. 5. If you have strong ventilation in the room (slits in the window frames), then, alas, the device will not help in winter, too dry air and a lot, five liters per day will not do.