I bought it for a bird's nest CCTV system I am setting up. I was trying to find a small case that would protect the Raspberry Pi Zero W from the elements. With the use of the camera port, it fits pretty well along the length. With the micro USB cable connected, it also adjusts well to width. There's plenty of headroom, so you could probably make better use of that space. Anyway, I decided to use a PG9 cable gland so I could power everything. From the way I positioned it I had to shave off one of the plastic posts built into the case. I also had to modify the inside of the cable entry nut to match the PG9 cable entry threads. That's probably the best you could do if you were walking the site like me. Finally I ran the camera ribbon cable through and screwed the cap on top. It's probably not waterproof anymore, but it's waterproof enough for my needs. My only gripe with this case is that the screws holding the top feel a bit short. I would have liked them to be a bit longer to make it easier to hook onto the bottom threads without squeezing as hard as I did with the lid.
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