Update 07/08/2021: This set comes with a tiny package of accessories for a slightly new style of definitive activated carbon filter. I missed it, hidden at the bottom of a large box. It's called iSpring. They sent a priority email (thanks, Don!). Now I feel bad because I did have one. These people are incredible. All filters including RO replaced. No problem except we can't see the tiny package. We have a 6 year relationship with iSpring (123filter.com), we purchased our 6 stage reverse osmosis sub-assembly in 2014 and I can't say enough good things about the company and their system. Divide the price I paid for these filters by the 36 months they last? That's $4 a month for all the water we'll ever need, we even water our plants and pets with it. Then I get a set of ice cubes. Our East Texas water makes coffee taste like soap, and I don't see the numbers I'm looking for in the Department of Water's quarterly reports, but why bother? Just clean up. Everything has been broken for 6 years. The nylon fitting is divided. There is a local leak in the filter housing. The end of the Teflon hose was chewed up too much by the quick disconnect. Hey, it's all under pressure and pure water just wants to dissolve, dissolve, dissolve, so it's not surprising. We placed our unit in a turkey roaster so a small leak wouldn't wet our kitchen rug. If so, it's easy to spot and iSpring is the best in customer service. The water flowed slowly. Let's get back to the instructions. We found everything we needed to know in one tiny troubleshooting paragraph. A bicycle pump, a tire pressure gauge and half an hour, and water flowed from the well again. Eating is understandable.
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