These bags are very thin so don't expect them to be able to handle anything moderately sharp or heavy and I accidentally bought them a second time thinking it was a different product . I bought a few years ago. haha When I first bought them the last 20+ bags were defective because the edges of the bags were not sealed. So I had 20 or 30 folded sheets of plastic in a neat little roll which, as you can imagine, didn't work as well as bags. The reason I give it 3 stars is because they are just cheap packs and when I last bought them there were no signs of splitting like they used to. However, I recommend Simplehuman "G" if you're looking for 8-gallon bags. It comes with half as many bags as these for about the same price, but they're at least five times stronger and don't tear as easily, so you don't have to double the bag.
150 Count Reli 33 Gallon Black Heavy Duty Drawstring Garbage Bags - Large 33 Gal
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60 Count Heavy Duty Compostable Trash Garbage Bags - 13-15 Gallon, 1.18Mils Thickness For Kitchen Garden Home
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Plasticplace White Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon Capacity, 1.2 Mil Thickness - Perfect For Home And Office, 200 Count (Pack Of 1)
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250Pcs Eco-Friendly Compostable Paper Plates & Cutlery Set - Disposable Biodegradable Utensil For Party, Camping, Picnic (White)
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Xiaomi Mijia Automatic Foam Soap Dispenser MJXSJ01XW/MJXSJ03XW, white
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Vileda Ultramax set
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Portable Rechargeable Electric Spin Scrubber For Household Cleaning - Ideal For Bathroom, Kitchen, And Windows. Power Scrub Brush For Bathtubs, Sinks, Tiles, Grout, And Stove Cooker.
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Dunlop SP Sport Maxx 050 235/55 R17 103Y summer
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