Relatives quickly altered their minds after hearing the news. Positioned absolutely optimally in space. Boosts the power of the vacuum on the carpet. It operates silently and does not prevent the youngster from getting a good night's sleep. despite the numerous "pros" Although wet cleaning has not yet been put through its paces, I have confidence that it won't fail you down. After giving it a thorough cleaning, I'll get to writing my evaluation. A vacuum cleaner has been delivered to the second floor. At first, just the dry cleaning method was used for the first round of production. Because it only goes up to the second story to sleep, there is no very hazardous waste up there. But as a consequence of that, I had to clean the dust container twice. When correctly oriented, the height sensors function without a hitch (although I was initially concerned that they wouldn't). During the entire cleaning process, I used up around half of the battery. A charge was issued, and in the evening, wet cleaning operations were initiated. I wet a cloth and marked the areas that needed to be cleaned (there is a carpet in the smaller room as well as the larger one), and I highlighted the spots that needed to be cleaned. He completes two circuits around the room, during which he either washes everything twice, or first vacuums once more, and then washes on the second circuit. After each turn, you should wash the washcloth. The floors have been cleaned, but there are still some stains remaining; naturally, hand washing or using a mop are not adequate substitutes for each other, but I wasn't planning on it happening. The bottom line is that if you want to make your life easier and not have to run every day with a vacuum cleaner and rags, then you should get a robot vacuum cleaner. I don't regret buying. While in the office, Mom discussed her thoughts. As a consequence of this, I placed an order for a robot vacuum cleaner for her coworker, although one of a different model.