In general, I have been using the robot for four months and deeply regret purchasing such a flawed product. This is what we were up against: - he gets up a couple of times, saying something was troubling him, despite standing on level ground and there being no interference, and - he frequently loses wi-fi (the problem is certainly not wi-fi). Unfortunately, it does not begin at the appointed time. Most issues could be resolved by restarting the robot or reconnecting it to the program, but today something new happened: it now claims that its battery is dead and refuses to charge, despite my best efforts. Then he tapped the cleaning button and started cleaning without inquiry, completing the entire apartment's cleaning while still noting in the app that the battery was dead. If I wanted to express my disappointment without coming across as rude, I could have just as well purchased a Chinese person. The Chinese seem to act more logically than other Asians, and he would be a complete moron if he didn't have maps.