I was very hesitant to buy this stroller because of the price. It's not that it isn't competitively priced, I just didn't want to invest that much money if my dogs weren't riding it. The stroller is of very high quality and looks solid. I like the fact that the tires are rubber and I think it makes the ride more comfortable for my dogs. I have two terriers, 12 pounds. and 16 pounds. and both fit in with plenty of room to lie down and move around. It was easy to assemble, but I had some trouble assembling the handbrake, but I figured it out in the end. I was able to use my bike pump to inflate the rear wheels, but there wasn't enough room between the spokes on the front wheel to use the pump. I went to a bike shop and bought a small hand pump and it worked and I can use it on all three tires as they inflate quickly. The stroller is very easy to control. The dogs walk next to the stroller at the beginning of our walk and I can steer it with one hand while holding the leash with the other. I leave the back open so they can jump in when they get tired. I haven't ridden it on gravel, but it handles grass and curbs with ease. I live in an apartment and can easily walk through the front door to the elevator. I haven't had any trouble fitting it through doors yet, despite being wide. The only storage space in this stroller are the side pockets, which hold keys, phone, dog bags and treats. The company sells an organizer accessory that attaches to the steering wheel. I had to be patient to teach one of my dogs to use a wheelchair. He gets very nervous about anything new so it took me a couple of weeks to bribe him with treats so he could just get used to getting in and out of the stroller. I left it in the living room and we played a game of "get in the stroller" every night where I gave them loads of hot dogs every time they jumped in the stroller. Then, on my first ride with them, I just complimented them and fed them treats through the sunroof. Now both feel comfortable driving in it. My next step is to attach it to my bike so we can ride on the lake. Another benefit of the stroller is that my dogs can stay calm and safe when we go for a walk. Both of my dogs are small and one reacts very quickly when he sees the other dog. When I see handlers approaching in our direction, I take my own, throw them in the stroller and seal the rear opening. This seems to calm my shy dog and he is less responsive when we pass other dogs. I am very happy that I made this purchase. In many ways, this is good for my dogs and I no longer have to feel guilty about leaving them at home when I go out on my bike. I'll just take it with me.
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