I love this vacuum cleaner! To be honest I was a bit confused at first about how to use the modes. I thought there were 5 modes since the manual lists the modes and gives a description for each mode, but then my remote only gave me 4 modes. So I emailed the manufacturer and they replied that there are only 4 modes and a 5th mode. works in automatic mode. I am attaching a photo of the modes. I believe this is a spiral that the vacuum cleaner switches to (if necessary) in automatic mode. This vacuum cleaner works great on my kitchen tiles. My rug is very old, it had a very high pile and has fallen off, so it's not absorbing everything. I emailed the manufacturer and they said I would have to buy a $300 vacuum for my carpet as they have very powerful motors and a traction system that can handle tangled, high-pile carpet. Luckily, this vacuum cleaner works great in my kitchen, so I'm definitely keeping it for all those crumbs the kids throw around. Just out of curiosity I took it to my girlfriend's and it did a great job with its short pile carpet and solid wood. floors! My girlfriend bought another robot vacuum and her robot vacuum doesn't fit the edge like this one. So she asks me to give her mine. We had so much fun watching him collect everything and the dust he memorizes! We both definitely like this vacuum cleaner. With the remote control you can even control the vacuum cleaner so that it is quickly in the right place.