Normal glass for day-to-day use, which enables 24 megapixels on my D7100. This lens is notable for its high level of sharpness as well as its absence of pattern. That is, having eliminated a hellishly crisp shot and properly placed, I am aware that something is lacking; it is comparable to watching a movie without popcorn. He posed as a staff member, dressed as fifty bucks, rather than as the venerable but now-deceased tamron. Constant overexposure when the weather is sunny; the mode or freeze setting makes no difference; there is never any sky. At first, I believed that my camera had a broken DD; however, after adjusting it to -1, everything started working properly. However, I believe that there will be identical issues with flash. In general, a nice lens for the money, as it is sharp and bright, but I wouldn't risk using the Nikon for commercial portraiture or wedding photography.