Bought for my mother. Her Mr. Mint is dead. That's the name of the robot she used to sweep the floors. I'm not sure why she called it a man other than to say that men can do housework too. anything. Mr. Mint saw his last breaths. He would be gone in a few minutes. We considered holding one last ceremony for him and having him go to heaven for processing. Then what. Well, the emotional bonds were just too strong. Google got us in the right direction (I mean everyone should be looking for medical advice on electronics so don't judge me). After quickly reading 14,584 YouTube video comments, I realized I had to get back to the task at hand. By the way, reading comments on Youtube should be mandatory for everyone making decisions that affect the public. I think . Wow. Wow, Mr. Mint can be saved. It was a wonderful day for our family. I never went back to the simple work of sweeping, but the machine that was literally made for it could still hold the post. A quick visit to Revane resulted in a wide selection. High capacity. sounds good. means it may take longer. That would be wonderful. Maybe I can teach Mr. Mint to bring me Mtn Dew too. That would be cool programming. Fits exactly. This is what you are looking for. There's nothing worse than getting something the wrong size. This will buy clothes for your girlfriend. There's no way you can do it right. Buy a size too small and she will go crazy thinking you think she is fat. Buy a size too big and she'll go crazy thinking you think she's fat. That's why man invented the gift card. We can give a gift, but don't have to deal with the size problem. then we just have to put up with her going mad because we don't know her well enough to actually buy her clothes, but taking the cheap and easy way out and buying a gift certificate. Hmm, why are we here. Oh yeah. Rating of this battery. Fits perfectly Works like a charm Saved Mr. Mint, a valued family member Saved me from having to sweep Sounds like a 5 star achievement to me. Well done. Keep up the good work and maybe I'll come back in 5 years to buy another one.