Spent hours milling a mount for my lathe. I installed everything correctly, paid special attention to the polarity of the magnet, and the display shows only zero. I can see the LED on the sensor blinking as the magnet passes it, so I know the sensor is working properly. Reliable 12V power supply. The display electronics looks like garbage. I will contact the seller but without expecting much. However, the review may change when this is decided. Otherwise add me to the list of 1 star reviews (zero stars if I could). UPDATE: After much searching and troubleshooting I found the problem. One of the 4 wires of the sensor cable (black) was broken in the outer sheath. So he didn't pass any signal from the sensor to the board. It's quite a thin wire, but I don't see how it could get damaged *inside* the cable. Luckily the break was only about 6 inches back so I didn't have to cut much but it was barely enough to get to where I wanted to mount the case. Regardless, it works now. -1 star because the magnet is not marked to indicate the south pole. -1 star for bad wire. The seller replied and promised to fix it if it didn't work. +1 star. Now 4 stars.
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