Kyoshi Martial Arts supply is a supply store for martial arts equipments. Their supplies ranges from uniforms, sparring equipments and weapons.
A look at their website shows simplicity on one hand, and one the other hand it shows that they simply do not have much to offer, and a peek at their products, further proved this point. Their liitle supply of products varies between different martial arts uniforms of different sizes and different categories of martial arts, different martial arts belts in diffferent colors and sizes, sparring head gears, shields, gloves and boots and other sparring equipments. All these in limited supply though at least from what I've seen on the platform, this will give customers a very small option to choose from.
They open only 5 days a week, Mondays to Fridays, 9am to 4pm. This means that customers can only make purchases within this period and any order made after working hours will not be attended to. One can also assume that their customer service works the same way, that is, they are not always available, which is not good enough because customers should be able to contact their support services at any time of the day.
This martial arts supply store can still has a long way to go in terms of quality customer satisfaction, they can do better.