I'll start with a few minor cons: I was hoping that the decimal equivalents and other relevant information would be on the back of the strap. I have an old 33-116 with that information on it on the back and it's very helpful. Second, I'm used to the 33-116 with the flatter 3/4" blade. For marking cut lines, I find it easier to get the mark where it should be with a flatter blade - the 1" blade has a larger cup and takes some getting used to to mark the cuts. All of this is to say that the 33-516 is a very high quality rule. It seems to fit the hand better as it's slightly smaller than the 116. The advantage of a 1 inch blade is that it actually sticks out up to 8 feet. While it doesn't disrupt gameplay, the extra range is useful. I've used it quite a bit over the last two and a half months and it seems to last at least as long as the 116 that is available at extra cost. I would recommend this tool.