This measuring device is rather small. I love backlight. All functions work well, but if you need accurate DC measurements then a workaround is needed. I put the charger in 2.2A constant current mode to charge the battery and test the accuracy of the DC sensor. I connected the sensor but only read 1.7 amps which I knew was wrong. So I opened the clamp and rotated it 180 degrees to take another measurement. This time I measured 2.8 amps, which was too much. I scratched my head and then averaged the two numbers and got 2.25 amps. I've tried this on several other plans with the same results. I also tried a second power supply and got exactly the same results. So for DC measurements you need to take one reading, rotate the probe 180 degrees and take another reading, and then average the two numbers to get an accurate reading. I'm not sure why this is, but as I mentioned, I've tried this with two different power supplies (which I know to be accurate) and got the same results. One reading is too low, one is too high, but average the two readings and you'll get the correct reading. I've never used a DC probe before, so that might be ok, but I wanted you all to know. It's a useful tool though, and certainly better than stripping the wire and inserting an ammeter in series.