Floodgate, this is what I will be dealing today because this organization is a unique and very important organization that the people of the society need. This organization might be governmental and non-governmental products, so I will be telling you about this particular products called floodgate, this products was first established by a man so is a non-governmental products that has been in operation for over fifty years now and according to my research I will like to tell you that this company is one of the best organization for flood protection gates because they have been there in handling both domestic and commercial flood issues and they have over 50,000 units that are still providing great flood protection gates, and one thing I love about this company is that they are available in UK, Europe and even far East Africa, Australasia and even the America and because all this their great and helpful services they give to the people and even for their own benefits I would like to say this company is the best company when it comes to flood protection.