It's not what I imagined Personally it's very hard for you if you have arthritis or RSD in my case. They constantly tighten and loosen the base and crease. Even if you tighten it, it will still loosen and fall, and you need to tighten it again. I don't see you could use this for the front stitch at all. This doesn't work for me and I tie a knot. I still have to figure out every time my thread comes off or do I have to move it, hide it and cut the thread as I've been told it rotates 360 degrees to to see the back. Well he moves all around, that's true, although he doesn't make it easy and smooth! It is very difficult to hide the thread with your hands! Unfortunately I couldn't send it back! Due to the fact that my husband had cancer and was undergoing treatment, I opened it much later than when I bought it. I'm not writing this for any company there, just letting others know it's very difficult, I've tried to find it online and on Utube. To find a video or anything that shows exactly how to use it when there is an easier way to get to the end unfortunately nothing was found on Utube regarding demos of this part. Value for money as the much easier to use ones are so expensive I'd say that's fine. It's better than no stand.
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