This is a great bag for the price. I took the green one because it was cheap, along with another large bag (40L) elsewhere. But after taking it downstream a few times, I returned another one and received another orange packet instead. I like the transparency of the packaging which helped us to quickly locate our gear at a glance. The opaque packaging too often leaves us digging in the dark. It is definitely waterproof when properly folded. While any bag will sweat when it's humid outside or moisture gets in, the point is that your stuff doesn't feel physically wet. The ground is very rocky and we have to wade through trees and bushes to get to the water. I'm sure this item will last a season or two, at least even with weekly use. I think the fact that it's actually thinner than other bags is an advantage. This allowed our bag to stretch rather than tear at higher temperatures (80-90 degrees). Can't speak to the Texas weather, but seriously, for the price, this is a rock star. I wish all colors were the same price. And a bag or two would be awesome. But I think it's still a great find. I highly recommend it!
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