Most important aspect in my mind would be its accuracy, which it has been very good to date for all types of abnormalities detected by an Aircore DAS unit we use with our Radiology department at North Shore Hospital (NHS). Nothing really as I have not observed any issues so far but there are many features within aidoC where you can configure how/what kind information will displayed i n real time mode when connected via wifi or other networked devices like laptops etc., however this feature allows one also view their scan history if using same device across multiple locations / doctors offices. This could prove useful especially during holidays - working from home! There isn't currently anything I dislike about either version although they do require some configuration before becoming fully functional including configuring email addresses & passwords and creating user accounts, hence maybe something easier might make more sense? Maybe create separate account systems per doctor's office location e g : NHS1Aidococat 1 vs aidsociptwo cat 2etc.. The ease of use, accuracy in detecting abnormalities as well as its ability to detect very small lesions makes it an excellent tool for screening purposes. It has been able to identify several anomalies which were not detected by our radiologists or even myself. I would recommend this product to anyone who needs a quick scan done with a low risk of misdiagnosis. We have used aidoc for screening purposes at work.