This filter has a MERV rating of 13, which corresponds to an MPR rating of 2200. This means this filter is comparable in performance to Filtrete Premium Healthy Living air filters. The construction is also the same, with a cardboard platform on the inlet side and a wire platform on the firebox side as the supporting structure. The folds fit snugly against the inner carton frame, although they are not sealed to the carton frame with caulk/adhesive. Please note that the filter size in the header is not the actual size, it is the size that the oven normally lists as the required filter. the size. See product information for actual filter sizes. And finally, a tip about filter size: always buy the thickest filter your oven can hold! If your oven fits 1" or 2" filters, always buy a 2" filter! Why? Because when using pleated air filters, the surface of the filter material increases significantly with increasing thickness, while the cross-sectional area remains the same. This means that drag is significantly reduced when using larger filters, resulting in improved airflow and longer filter life. With MERV 2 filters this doesn't matter as these filters are usually transparent and only protect furnace components rather than actually filtering the air. However, the drag created by MERV 13 filters is much higher, so if you can get a thicker filter, definitely go for it. Just put a 4 inch filter on the air intake and it works great. Airflow has never been better and as I am allergic the MERV 13 filter media helps a lot. Another tip, if you have food or pet odors, cigarette smoke, etc. and the MERV 13 environment isn't reducing them to acceptable levels, you can find some very cheap by-size activated carbon pre-filters for this and others. Simply stand and place on top of the pleated filter media and secure as needed. This is an effective and CHEAP way to get rid of household odors.
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